LESSON 6 - Color Over Value
Exercise 1 - Mixing Greens and Browns
Before we start on the color layer, it will help to get some experience with mixing greens and browns.
Exercise 2 - Color Over Value - Step 1 - The Darks
In this exercise we'll add color to the marsh scene, first with a block in of the big shapes, and then by refining with smaller shapes in different colors and values.
In the first video, we'll add the darkest color (the side of the marsh bank on the bottom left) and the darkest greens (the trees in the background, reflection of them in the water, and the stripes of dark in the foreground marsh grass).
In the first video, we'll add the darkest color (the side of the marsh bank on the bottom left) and the darkest greens (the trees in the background, reflection of them in the water, and the stripes of dark in the foreground marsh grass).
Exercise 2 - Color Over Value - Step 2 - The Mid and Light Values
In the second video, we'll complete the "block in" by adding the mid values (the marsh grass and water on the bottom right) and the light values (the sky).