Lesson 6 - Page 2 - Color Over Value - Details
Exercise 2 - Color Over Value - Step 3 - Details in the Far Trees and Reflections
Exercise 2 - Color Over Value - Step 3 - Details in the Far Trees and Reflections
In this video we'll put in darks in the background trees and their reflections, and create the marsh banks in the back of the marsh.
Exercise 2 - Color Over Value - Step 4 - Further Refinements
In this video we go back over the background trees, and the marsh banks.
Exercise 2 - Color Over Value - Step 5 - Sky Reflections in the Water
Exercise 2 - Color Over Value - Step 5 - Sky Reflections in the Water
In the last video we'll add streaks of sky reflections in reflections of the trees. This is my favorite part!
This was my first attempt, but I messed up the video, so I painted the scene again. I'll replace it with a better photo once the painting is dry.
This is the finished painting from the videos. I'll replace it with a better photo once the painting is dry.
Notes From Lesson 6
- We used three principles to complete the painting with the color layer:
-- Paint starting with the darkest values, moving to the lightest values.
-- Cover the canvas with color by painting the large shapes (called the block in), then add the details as smaller shapes on top.
-- Use thicker paint over thinner paint.
- A few other points:
-- Look for things that stop your eye from moving around the painting, and adjust them.
-- When you think you're finished step away for at least 20 minutes, and save your paint so that you can make adjustments if needed.
-- Don't forget to sign your painting!
-- Paint starting with the darkest values, moving to the lightest values.
-- Cover the canvas with color by painting the large shapes (called the block in), then add the details as smaller shapes on top.
-- Use thicker paint over thinner paint.
- A few other points:
-- Look for things that stop your eye from moving around the painting, and adjust them.
-- When you think you're finished step away for at least 20 minutes, and save your paint so that you can make adjustments if needed.
-- Don't forget to sign your painting!