How to Paint with Clean Bright Colors - No More Mud!
- Minimize the number of paint colors you mix together.
- Use single pigment paints, so you have more control of what you are mixing.
- Use a double primary palette: two of each primary color, and white. Only 7 paints!
---- For each primary, choose a pair of paints that each lean a little towards on of the secondary colors on either side of that primary.
- Minimize complementary color mixing, use only when necessary. Mixing complements creates brown - here comes the mud.
- Minimize use of white paint, there are other ways to lighten colors. Adding white dulls colors.
- Use single pigment paints, so you have more control of what you are mixing.
- Use a double primary palette: two of each primary color, and white. Only 7 paints!
---- For each primary, choose a pair of paints that each lean a little towards on of the secondary colors on either side of that primary.
- Minimize complementary color mixing, use only when necessary. Mixing complements creates brown - here comes the mud.
- Minimize use of white paint, there are other ways to lighten colors. Adding white dulls colors.